Shamanic Drumming Circle
“Before we had language, we had rhythm"
In 2014, I decided to take myself off on a holiday with a difference - to study the Cherokee Indians. I did this in Stanstead where there is a college called “The Arthur Findlay College”, holding something called “The Shamanic week”.
All my life I have had a fascination with the American Indians, I cried the first time I watched the film “Dances With Wolves” and could not understand why. (When I lived in France for 16 years, my local Mayor had a wolf statue outside the office and the name of our village, Chanteloup translated as “Singing Wolf” ). Anyway, so off I went for a jolly.
The first day, Maureen Murnam offered me a drum - I said “I'm not musical” she laughed...
That week around 30 of us from all over the world drummed together. It was awesome and life changing. So much so, I returned to France, bought myself a drum and played alone. It was not the same without the others.
The following year Maureen arrived in Rennes and myself and a group of French people were shown how to run a drum circle. Since then I bought my first seven drums which I have given the chakra colours of the rainbow. Maureen explained to us the “The Rainbow Warrior Prophecy” (You can “Google” the story) this story explained a lot to me. So in my adult drum circle we use the drums to activate the chakras (endocrine glands) with vibration and sounds alongside colour. As we drum we become more grounded (the drums are deer skin – an animal is naturally grounded) and are able to connect with the earth.
It is very difficult to put the mental mind into gear when you drum (not a bad thing!) Every month myself and some lovely french people drum as a group, sing, use chakra sounds, practice healing with the drums to release emotions and pain and generally have a good time. From time to time English people join us. The drum allows us to connect without language as it has a language all of its own. As we drum together we vibrate at the same frequency (eventually) so we connect on a similar wavelength.
The message is that with time, more and more of us will realise the importance of our connection to the earth and each other. Drumming is fantastic for rebuilding community spirit, rebuilding relationships with those around us, such as friends family or work colleagues.
Drumming can:
* Have a huge impact on our lymphatic system
* Rebuild our emotional health
* Centre and ground you in your body
* Provide natural pain control
* Promotes the production of endorphins
* Reverse the hormone stress response
* Increase the natural killer cell activity to improve immunity
* Balance the left and right hemisphere of the brain (great for stroke patients)
* Reduce stress/tension and anxiety instantly
* Greatly relieve depression
* Helps Alzheimer’s patients connect with loved ones
* Improves symptoms of Parkinsons disease
* Builds community spirit within the drum group
WORKSHOPS: Organised locally for you and your staff or friends
The workshops are designed to bring laughter/stress release/pain release and peace. If you call me to organise your venue, then we can discuss your groups' needs and match accordingly.
Groups of 7-14 people.
To discuss further, please contact Pamela by email or call 07904 892550.